Authoring | The activity of producing learning content (usually written) from an idea or theory.
Authoring Tools | A range tools designed to enable users to write, edit and publish learning content.
CBT | Computer Based Training
Content | May also be referred to as learning content, describes the information entered through the authoring editor (eXe)
Content Object | Content Objects can be thought of as an iDevice with the content filled in.
e-Learning | The facilitation of learning via electronic delivery mechanisms, e.g. computers, CD/DVD, internet.
eXe | e-learning XHTML editor – a web-based authoring environment designed for teachers and academics.
eXe Sidebar | The control device that contains eXe authoring tools.
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language.
Icon | Small graphic devices that are displayed on both the authoring and presentation interfaces.
iDevice | Instructional elements that provide a framework for entering content.
LMS | Learning Management System
Node | Defines the basic unit in the learning design (Outline) structure. Also referred to in the context of eXe as a page.
Output | Something published by eXe, e.g. a SCORM package, or a website.
Package | A Content Package is a collection of content.
Pedagogical Template | A template is a Content Package where the content objects are not yet filled in.
Pedagogy | The term used to describe teaching strategies.
Presentation Template | A definition on how a Package should be presented.
Rich Text Editor | A range of tools used to format electronic text.
SCORM | Sharable Content Object Reference Model - a common technical framework for computer and Web-based learning.
Tab | Folder tab styled interface.
Taxonomy | Hierarchical classification of items e.g. Chapter, Page, Section.
XHTML | Extensible Hypertext Markup Language.
XML | Extensible Markup Language.