<!> The Slideshow iDevice was never developed, and most likely will not be. This text remains for historical/archival purposes only. -- BrentSimpson 2007-02-25T20:34:08Z
Requirements for Slideshow iDevice
The slide show iDevice is a flash object that can display a slide show (from Powerpoint or OO Impress) with synchronised MP3 audio files. This greenpaper covers the requirements for the eXe gui to incorporate the Slideshow iDevice.
The green paper for the development of the flash object can be viewed here.
Examples of the slideshow flash object can be viewed here:
- Using an Open Office swf: http://zebo.org/slideshow/index.html?n
- Using individual jpegs http://zebo.org/slideshow/index2.html?n
Resources the user must create/supply
The user will need to create these resources before using the eXe slideshow iDevice. (They are not created in eXe)
- A swf file of the slide show - This is generated using the OO Impress file export option. (This way users can import Powerpoint into OO and create the swf export alternatively users can export OO impress files in this format.) OR
- Individual jpeg files
- Individual MP3 files for each slide in the sequence. Users must record their own MP3 files with a third party application.
- an image for the title bar - for example photo of the lecturer.
- optional attachment file (eg. pdf, copy of the original slide show, etc.)
Text string inputs required from the user
- Optional title for the slide show sequence
- Optional name for each slide in the sequence
Requirements for the eXe gui
First users must select which alternative they will be using:
- Open Office .swf file approach
- individual jpeg
Suggested text for corresponding instruction icon:
eXe requires a special Flash file (SWF) that you can create using Open Office. You can convert your existing Powerpoint or Open Office slideshow presentations for use in the eXe Slideshow iDevice. However, you will need a copy of the Open Office software (Version 2.0 or later) to do this. You can download a free, open source version of Open Office for Windows, Mackintosh and Linux sytems @ http://www.openoffice.org. After installing, launch the OpenOffice Impress component (Slide Show software). Create your own slide shows, or use the file>open options to import an existing Powerpoint (.ppt) file. The next step is to create the Flash File using file>export, then selecting the Macromedia Flash (SWF) option in the file format pull-down menu. This will generate the swf file you need for this iDevice. Remember to count and make a note of the number of slides in your sequence as you will need this information later. In the case of the jpeg option, you will need to upload individual jpeg files for each slide in the sequence.
If the Open Office .swf file approach, then
- User must specify number of slides in the sequence (Inter value)
- For each slide the following fields, file upload options are provided:
- Text field for slide title (Default text is provided as follows: Slide 1; Slide 2; Slide 3 etc. If user does not change default text, this is used in the Flash object)
- Upload MP3 file link corresponding with the title field for each slide
Suggested help text for number of slides:
Enter the number of slides in the sequence you exported. If you can't remember the number of slides, open the original slideshow file (eg. .ppt or .odt), or alternatively open the slideshow flash file (SWF) you created using Open Office in your browser and count the number of slides in the sequence. This information is necessary for associating individual titles and audio files for the slide show iDevice.
Suggested help text for title field:
Enter a descriptive title for each slide. You may need to view the slides in Powerpoint or Open Office to help you with naming the slides. Unfortunatley, it is not possible at this time to view the slides individually in eXe's edit mode. You can also use the default titles (Slide 1, Slide 2, Slide 3 etc.)
Suggested help text for MP3 upload links:
{{{You can associate a separate audio file with each slide in the sequence. When published, the user will be able to listen to the audio while viewing the respective slide. However, you will first need to record an audio file for each slide, using audio recording software. eXe currently does not have the capability of recording audio. All audio files must be saved in the MP3 format. }}}
If jpeg approach, then
- User can add/delete individual slides in much the same way as the MCQ options in other words a one by one approach (Would be nice if users could change sequence using up or down icons).
- In each case the following fields and file upload options are provided:
- Text field for slide title (Default text is "Slide Name")
- Link to upload jpeg file
- Link to upload MP3 file
For both OO swf approach & jpeg approach
- Upload link for "Title bar image" - if none is specified use eXelogo image as default image.
- Slideshow title, text string. Default is blank
- Attachment upload link - default is no file.
- Ability to change background colour of flash object - Bruce has included this capability - not sure of best implementation in the GUI
- "Image" size of flash object - Bruce has used a defaut size. This is about as big as we should go, but we might want to give users the option of a smaller viewing size. Should we allow users to key in smaller pixel values? My thoughts are to keep this simple - possibly just a small and large option with large being the current default size of the flash object