

Increasingly, the eXe community have expressed the need for the development of training materials on the use of eXe in the design and development of interoperable e-learning content. The purpose of this wiki page is to establish the needs, prospective target audiences etc. At the same time we would like to take stock of relevant support resources that are currently available or under development.

Ultimately, we would like to see a range of open education resources for use by the wider e-learning community. In addition, these resources could be made available as IMS/SCORM content packages for delivery using the local LMS.

General ideas or thoughts

An open "brainstorm patch" for listing general ideas or thoughts.

  • really good training material will get the application used more
  • training material shoud be written by experienced and expert eXe users
  • we need a showcase of e-learning material made with eXe - deep down we're all doubting Thomases

Who is the target audience?

List your descriptions of prospective target audiences.

  • local council employees
  • NGOs
  • teachers in schools
  • the vocational training market is potentially huge - like above Training material is a prerequisite for opening the market

What are the needs and skills requirements of prospective eXe users?

  • css design
  • html
  • a high level of hands on teaching and course writing experience

What resources are currently available or under development?

  • Ralf Hilgenstock has mentioned publishing a book in German on using eXe. He has mentioned that we could translate and publish an english version.