
Navigation(children)? TableOfContents?


use a verb or noun to describe the functionality


Start with Version 0.1 For minor revisions, change version number as follows: 0.1.1; 0.1.2 etc. For major revisions, change version number as follows: 0.2; 0.3 etc.

Author, country and date

Summary statement

A short phrase or sentence that can be displayed in a spreadsheet cell, with additional columns for priority, date etc.

Scenario summary

A short story, usually written from the perspective of the user. Best to avoid technical concepts and predetermined technical solutions.


List the conditions that must be "true" for the use case.


State the conditions that give rise to the use case.

Basic course of events

List the events or actions in sequence from the user perspective.

Post conditions

If appropriate, list the state of affairs after the course of events has been completed.


Create a heading for notes and comments to be added by the community.