
The aims are very similiar to what we're doing.

  • eLearning content editor
  • standards compliant
  • LMS independant
  • offline

They also aim to support mutiple editors including Open Office as well as XHTML editing, and they have a much bigger focus on editing metadata/properties. They also talk about creating a package using remote Learning Objects from a repository.

I wasn't able to get editing working, but from what I can see they don't have any pedagogical guidence, templates, or any equivalent to iDevices.

They know about eXe --- one of the tasks is to explore eXe's First Iteration Requirements

Their editor is built as plugins to the Eclipse Java programmers editor ( At the moment it is very confusing, because all the programmer tools (e.g. create patch, refactor function) are still presented.

For the server they are using Apache Java technologies Tomcat, Coccoon, and Forrest. This requires a large download and runs quite slowly.

  • Burrokeet 56.5Mb
  • Forrest 21.6Mb
  • JDK 51.6Mb

Maybe something else is required too? I couldn't get it to work.

They do have a powerful IMS Manifest editor built in. (I suspect they are reusing Reload for that)

As it stands it's a confusing and complicated interface. I'm sure they are working on that though.

They have a lot of features, I wish I could actually get it running.