

Creating content packages within eXe involves functionality from five different layers which can be seen as operating independant of each other.

Nodes/structure/template determine the structure of the content. (Maybe Nodes and iDevices should be considered to be one layer? The template layer?)

[:IdevicePlugins: iDevices] mini templates, pedagogical reuse

Structured content the heart of what eXe is about

Styles apply presentation to the content

[:ExportPlugins: Exports] will output the content in the format needed for some use

  • e.g. Website export

eXe can then be used in two different "ways". We have generic usage and specific usage.

With specific usage we can require that the iDevices match the template, which matches the style, which matches the export. This is useful in an institutional or corporate environment where consistancy and standards need to be applied.

It's also useful on a granular content level (microcontent?) for developing content that perhaps doesn't fit the idea of an entire course, where your structure is quite easily defined and that structure is then reused over and over. Publishing dictionary styled entries for langauages for example, or a glossary. I like the distinction: generic/specific. BAS

With generic usage the user can pick from generic iDevices, generic styles, and export in a generic (standard?) format. This is the more normal usage "in my (DJM) mind".