The SCORM 2004 Sequencing and Navigation model is the newest and most complex part of SCORM. It relies on the IMS Simple Sequencing specification and enables the precise declaration of a flow logic, controlling the learner's path from one SCO to the next. This capability to supports common instructional design strategies such as testing a learner's understanding of a topic and appropriately directing the learner towards more complex or remedial material.
The model has a declarative component consisting of special sequencing meta-data added to learning activity nodes in the CAM activity tree. This meta-data may indicate default navigation constraints such as only allowing the learner to navigate in a forward (next) direction or allowing the leaner to freely select any activity from a set of activities. The meta-data may also indicate sequencing rules in which a trigger such as an activity having been previously attempted or having its objective mastered can result in an action such as the activity being skipped or retried.
The model has a run-time component in which navigation requests and learner performance information communicated by a SCO are processed by a sequencing engine that evaluates the information in light of previously communicated performance information and the declared sequencing meta-data to determine the next SCO that will be delivered to the leaner.
SCORM 2004 introduces a small data model to allow a SCO to communicate navigation requests such as continue, previous, exit to a run-time service. This is as close as SCORM comes to addressing the problem of a standard set of user interface controls.
adapted from "SCORM as Technical Framework for Web-based Learning" (