- Replace FCKEditor with Midas??????
- Heading "iDevice" ??? (Depending on available coding time) as suggested under format idevice in Issue:70. This would be used to generate internal page navigation of long pages
- Ability to package objects with an eXe SCO, for example a pdf with embedded link to the document by creating a new "iDevice" for this purpose???
iDevice classification tree
- Assuming the team can find consensus on a classification framework for iDevices, would we be able to implement an iDevice tree as suggest in Issue:70
- implementing a PyXPCOM interface
- note for non-technical users of eXe (that's educators like me - WGM)
- Update
- Class diagram update
iDevice Editor
- Fix bugs
- Edit / Delete user created iDevices
- List user created iDevices separately from "standard" iDevices (WGM - Do we want to list these separately - or use a diffent colour or some other identifier to distinguish user created iDevices? - see thoughts about iDevice classification framework in Issue:70)
- Attribution of Author details on iDevices (Metadata?) - Issue:32
- Thoughts about structure and layout of iDevice editor - Issue:68
- User instructions in iDevice editor - Issue:67
iDevice Pane
- Double click to activate renaming of a node - Issue:69
- Cannot open second package - Issue:62
- Insert PDF documents into eXe packages - Issue:19
Undo / Redo