Developer Resources
The eXe team uses Trac software for most things to do with development. A lot of information about our progress, source code, and bug tracking can be found here:
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How Tos
- Embed YouTube or Google Video, BLIP, etc
- Remove iDevices from eXe iDevice Pane
- Chat with developers?
- Creating a new Style?
- [:BuildingFromSource:Build eXe from Source]
- [:SourceControl:Checkout eXe Code with Subversion]
- TranslatingExe
- JavaApplets
## * [:FLVs:Create an FLV file]
Tools We Use
- SourceControl
- WebTools
- Python
- PyLint
- TwistedWeb
- TestingTools
- PackagingTools
- MoinMoin?
- eXe Hosting?
eLearning specifications
- ContentPackaging (SCORM)